Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Building Quixtar with BWW Part 1

Greetings everyone,

The next series of posts will be a brief analysis of the little book ‘BWW Basics’ (BBAS) which teaches new IBO’s how to build their new Quixtar Affiliated business. This post will cover the Introduction, and following weeks will contain the four chapters: Training & Support System, The Basics, Creating Volume, The Eagle Program.

Summary of the Introduction

Your upline is looking forward to helping you succeed in your BWW affiliated business. BWW has over 30 years of success in helping people develop successful businesses. They even say, “We want to make sure that you have the answers to all your questions.

The system makes teaching materials available nationwide, so that people at distance teams can learn what it takes to build a successful business. BWW should be used as a store: you should take what you want from it, and leave behind what you don’t want.

If you desire financial independence through a business that can produce a six-figure income, then you’ll want to use the BWW support system. They say that you should have at least 12 growing legs, and to be using the complete BWW system and create new habits of doing the ‘four basics’: work, listen, associate, change your buying habits.


Since this is the introduction section, I will not go into the specifics, just tell you what kind of information you will find out through this series.

Although there are some ‘better’ and ‘worse’ uplines, most of them will only help you if you are plugged into the BWW system in it’s entirety. Obviously, they will make exceptions for people that are in what would be referred to as the ‘Honeymoon Period’, namely being a person who is up to 6 months - 1 year.

Although they say that they will answer all your questions, that is pretty far from the reality. I will pull out exact quotes from EDC’s in BWW who teach ‘not to worry about it, just show more plans’ when confronted with questions. There are also a lot of round about refutations to objections that never really answer legitimate questions.

The store concept is a very good thing, and if that is what was taught, it would be a good thing. The reality is that many people teach that if you want to be successful, you have to take full advantage of the BWW support system, some even teaching to go beyond that calling the Standing Order program ‘Minimum Wage’. Some leaders teach on tapes that if you are not fully plugged into the system, they will not even help you.

I will try to figure out what is behind the very vague basics ‘work’, ‘listen’, and ‘associate’. I think that ‘changing your buying habits’ is pretty self explanatory.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2.1
Chapter 2.2
Chapter 2.3
Chapter 2.4
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

The Evolution of Contacting

Greetings all,

I have done a brief analysis of the evolution of contacting and prospecting on Qblog radio.

The link is here.


Sunday, January 22, 2006

They Leave Better People

Tape: Boats Don’t Have Breaks

Speakers: Doug & Amie Weir

Stock Number: JM33

Recording Type: ‘Basic Mix’

Brief Review:

This is a classic ‘basic mix’ which had absolutely no teaching, nothing of any real redeeming quality, and certainly didn’t have much to do with building a Quixtar business, it is nothing but Rah Rah. We hear about the Porsche, the boat, and little motivational tidbits of common sense data.

Cult-like aspects:

Doug is talking about the Porsche and says that kids are open about it being a ‘cool car’ but adults don’t have a good enough self image to appreciate a cool car. The people in the business, however, are open to such things. The root of adults not acknowledging that you have a cool car is status. [This point suggests that there is a serious problem with your self-image that they can fix in this business.]

This business is an adventure, a challenge, and Doug describes that his co-workers at IBM were doing nothing with their lives, even calling them ‘boring’. He basically moves through all the things that people were doing to have fun living and suggesting that all of them were boring except one thing: BWW. The BWW people were going on road trips, staying up late, listening to tapes, going to conventions. [First, many former cult members site a ‘sense of adventure’ in what they were doing, even if it was a mundane; the reason for this lies in having a sense of accomplishment as the group moves in the same direction. Second, how could he find listening to tapes, staying up late talking, and going to conventions as exciting? I do not follow from am outside perspective.]

Amie is talking about loving people and using things and says that they do not put things up on a pedestal, but they do put up people out of respect. [This is scary, and something I have commented on before. In this system, there is so much loyalty to the upline that they are one step below being worshiped.]

Amie starts to talk about priorities and suggests that people’s priorities are out of line. Her early personal example is that she did not want to miss volleyball night to go to an Open Meeting. She said “My mind was so messed up that [volleyball] was a priority that I didn’t know how to make my financial future a priority.” [The implication is that they have the solution here in this business to keep the priorities properly in line.]

“We’ve got a unique ministry because we meet people at their needs and we meet needs that no other ministry no other group of people are out their meeting.” Doug goes on to talk about how people are in their downline not for houses, cars, etc, but because they needed someone to believe in them which this couple does. “There is a huge part of the numbers of people that are coming into your business and a lot of them will go. They’re the ones that we minister to. They’re the ones we affect; they’re the ones that after their association with us they leave better people, they are the ones that we made a difference to.”

Catalog of covetousness for those materialistic people:

Amie has a new Porsche with the license plate ‘JOB FREE’

He has a new motorcycle, but got a Ford F-150, paid cash, extended cab, extended bed, just to transport the motorcycle in.

Cobalt 232 boat

All the Ruby ladies went shopping for brand new dresses and other clothing for the function.

Wonderful Faulty Theology:

Doug starts to go off about his car, first looking at it and thinking, ‘this is a cool car, I don’t believe this is my car’, but later, people start looking at you as having a really cool car, and then that makes you feel good because you have a really cool car. He ends this by sating that ‘maybe that is wrong, but its really fun having a cool car’. [A few verses come to mind when I hear this: James 4:6 – “God is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble. And the other is 1 John 2:15 – “Do not love the world, nor the things of the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. Does this mean you should not have a nice car? No, but this talk makes it clear that Doug derives a satisfaction from that car. Such satisfaction is to be achieved from God alone.]

Doug says that the Diamond lifestyle is the “Ultimate Lifestyle it is the ability to do whatever you want, whenever you want because you are no longer controlled by money.” [This is deadly; God is in control, not you. You are to take all your worries and anxieties and place them on Him. Having money is not the path to freedom; it is a dangerous path which many fall into the temptations of the love of money (1 Timothy 6:8-10).]

In all this, Amie lists her priorities: God first, Spouse and children next, country. [These are directly repeated from Bill Britt tapes. Let us perform the ‘priorities in line’ test from Matthew 19:16-26. Let us see, do you love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul? Doug lies, demonstrates and teaches civil disobedience, and breaks the law. People who place God as their first priority do not demonstrate such characteristics. Please read Matthew 7:15-23.]

Teaching Points:

It will take some trying and failing to build the business, but your upline is always there to coach you on what to do next.

Doug and Amie are doing this to help people, even if the people do not stay in the program.

Other Notes:

As is common with Doug Weir, he demonstrates disrespect for authorities, in this case, the legal issues as he pokes fun at the disclaimer, stating it jokingly at the start of his talk. Everyone laughs at this. He continues this same attitude making a joke about a ‘professional driver’ getting the Porsche up over 62 MPH.

Amie gets the kids of her downline motivated about the business by picking them up in the Porsche or boat so that the kids will ask when they will go diamond and get a Porsche or boat.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Adventures of the Extreme Freedom Team #14

Site: www.extremefreedomteam.com


Video Summary:

This starts with nice soft guitar and a few scenes, then gets thrashy with scenes of a car driving down a road, soft again with a mountain overlook then one of the Extreme Freedom Team members in a hot tub (of course with an XS), then it moves to a few other party scenes with all the participants including a time lapse table hockey game that apparently went on over several hours, perhaps a day or more…the video clip lasts quite a while. Like a few other videos, there are scenes of everyone eating a catered meal. We finally get into the bulk of the video: the white water rafting tour. We end with a sign that says, “Rip Roaring Adventures”.

My Thoughts:

Some adventure for the Extreme Freedom Team. The cost of a trip at Rip Roaring Adventures is $39.95 per person, but you can get a $10 discount on the website. Sounds fun! Lets all of us negative broke losers go and do the same thing, make our own amateur video and post it on the internet…any takers with that?

X is on Quixtar In and Out Radio

Greetings everyone,

The conversation I had with Truth at Quixtar In and Out Radio is posted. Here, I covered how I got in Quixtar, out of Quixtar, and the How and Why of Standing Order Tape.

Here is more of my Quixtar Experiences.

I have the next Aventures of the Extreme Freedom Team completed, but I could not get online last night, I will get it up tonight.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

X is on Qblog Radio

Greetings everyone,

I just recently recorded two interviews. One is already up, I will let you know when the other is up.

I am on Qblog Radio talking about contacting approaches, just giving a little introduction to them, what to say to someone you think might be trying to contact you, and a few other things. One note, I referenced a site by Josh, and I didn't have the URL handy. His site is Plans for a Cartoon Life. Check it out.

Here is the link to Qblog Radio.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Get the Clients So You Can Buy Our Tapes!

Tape: Client Marketing

Speakers: Sharon Ghassami, Rob Sanicola, Tom Moran

Stock Number: BWW191 (2 Message CD)

Recording Type: Teaching (Client Sales)

Brief Review:

This is a rare tape, it teaches that you need to get clients, but there is a twist! The goal is to fund your business, so the clients are there to pay for your tapes and other BWW tools, which will allow you to get a big network where the money is really made. This is confirmed by a Dave Severn tape (BWW88, Width, Momentum, & Depth) where he actually teaches NOT to have more than 10-20 clients or you will be too distracted to build the network.

Teaching Points:

Sharon teaches a ‘show 10 register 10’ system. She teaches that you show the business to people for the opportunity, if they do not want to build it, offer the clientship, if not that, the membership. [The emphasis on recruitment over sales is one of the red flags proposed in “MLM’s to Avoid”, a list of potentially dangerous MLM’s put together by Jon Taylor who is a consumer awareness watchdog.]

In talking about the stability of your business, Sharon still agrees that you need to count the number of standing orders and people going to functions.

She teaches that people have ‘revolving door’ businesses because people are not making money. She says that Client Sales is the key to funding to the tapes, and the tapes are the key to building the business.

Sharon’s basic idea is to show the plan to someone and lay out the 9 team player steps, if they show any not-so-good body language, make them a client or member instead, so that they can save money on the products and they may eventually become an IBO. [Her approach is good and forthcoming, but she fails to mention reality. The problem is that the Quixtar Products are not even competitively priced in most cases most people will not just roll over and buy products online.]

Rob talks about client contacting. He gives a very theoretical non-specific (by this I mean absolutely no details at all) plan to have every person making $800-1400 per month on client sales. He does not even talk about membership unless a person backs down on buying at retail (he will also give the member price to family).

Rob suggests that the high quality in the products justifies the sale of them at retail. [It has been my experience that the products are not of any higher quality than other brand name products, though they are much higher priced in general.]

He starts to talk about the importance of the system and that Standing Order is the thing that will teach them to be profitable, but they quit because they are not making money because they are not out generating clients.

Rob leads with energy drinks (for the younger generation) and MCI (for the older generation). He says that you can lead with any particular product you want. He violates a little rule here, he gives the example of talking to an older person and he says, “[Talked about kids]. You must have some phone bill…funny thing, I own my own company, I represent the MCI network.” He then moves from ‘having the product sold’ to prospecting for business. [First, making any real money on MCI is a joke. You get 100 PV for signing someone up, and then on that plan, about 1 PV or less comes trickling in for every one of those you sell. He violates rule 4.12: IBO Relationship: “No IBO shall represent that he or she has any employment relationship with the Corporation or any of its affiliated companies and/or other IBO’s.”]

Rob promotes what he calls ‘Full Circle Marketing’, which is getting a client started on one product and then as they are happy, moving on to examine other needs that need to be filled. [I have not problems with this, it is good business strategy and not deceptive.]

Tom starts in with your network being your security, and thus the goal. Clients help to boost retention. His goal is to get clients on ditto delivery so that he does not have to “make the phone calls, follow up, and try to catch them and chase them to get something from them” [Welcome to the wonderful world of MLM!] He says that you need to give them an incentive to stay on ditto delivery

“Eagle is what we are shooting for…an eagle today represents about 20 IBOships, about 2500 PV, profit is about $400 – $500 a month.” He wants each person to get 10 or more clients in every one of those 20 businesses for maximum profit. Doing this will make that eagle $1200 dollars a month profit.

Tom does give some very good ways to get and keep clients. I have no problem with his approaches or incentives.

“We don’t have to worry about legal things, we don’t have to worry about making things, we don’t have to worry about tax things, we don’t have to worry about anything, all we have to do is introduce clients, customers to our products.” [On page C-2, we read that YOU, the IBO, are responsible to make sure you have any business licenses that might be required, you have to know if your business is governed by zoning laws, and several places throughout the code of conduct similar statements are made regarding sales of nutritional supplements and cosmetics as well as cleaning chemicals, etc. Also, did your upline tell you that Quixtar charges YOU sales tax for retail price, not wholesale price. You need to fill out a form to get the money refunded every year. Indeed, there are a few things that you need to worry about.]

Other Notes:

Much to his credit, Angelo Nardone opens this tape talking about the importance of client sales. If there were more tapes like this (I have 2 or 3 total on sales), there might not be as much problem with BWW’s approach to business.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Real Root of People Skills

Magic of Thinking Big

David J. Schwartz

Chapter 9 – Think Right Toward People


Here is a basic rule for success to memorize: “Success Depends on the support of other people.” (pg 151) The author gives the example of employment hierarchy and that the highest person in the job is the one accountable for the work.

The author makes the statement that “a person either supports you willingly or he doesn’t support you at all. The focus of this chapter is to learn how to get people to support you, and the basic mechanism is to “think right toward people” (pg 152)

In this section, the author tells us that people are not pulled up by others, they are lifted up by their own personability, and “being likeable makes you easy to lift” (pg 153)

  1. The author tells us that “successful people follow a plan for liking people. He points to President Lyndon Johnson, who had a 10 point formula for success. He lists that 10 points and then suggests that Johnson following those makes him easier to vote for and support in congress.
  1. Another principle is that you never try to buy friendship. Without genuine sincerity, a gift is seen as a bribe or payoff. When we try to buy a friend, we lose money and create contempt.
  1. The next point is to always take the initiative to start the friendship. Call people, be the first to introduce yourself, talk to strangers, etc. The author walks us through 6 steps to take initiative in making new friends.
  1. Next, we learn how to handle criticism by keeping a balance between what he refers to as the P (positive) channel and the N (negative) channel. Whichever channel we are in the habit of listening to will become dominant and we need to learn to use that channel. You need to be tuned into the P channel.
  1. The author adds a common theme found in many people skill books, which is the successful people tend to be the listeners and unsuccessful people tend to be the talkers. According to the author, this is not because the unsuccessful person is full of himself, but because the successful person practices “conversational generosity, that is, he encourages the other person to talk about himself, his views, his accomplishments, his family, his job, and his problems.” (pg 162) Along these lines, the author also suggests not to be a conversation hog.

Christian Response

Obviously, persons with people skills are generally going to get further in life, however, I can speak to these issues from my personal life. I was a person who totally lacked people skills when I started my time in this organization. After 3.5 years, on the outside, it appeared that I had people skills, but it was all an act. I was torn up and going crazy inside. This was a direct result of practicing suggestions like these ones. The real root of gaining people skills is to put all your hope in Jesus Christ. It was only when I put all my sins, all my shame, all my hate, all my worldliness, and all my life that was not consistent with the character of Christ on the alter before Him that I gained this ability. What is the result? I wish I could make you see, but when I walk into the church, many of the kids will seek me out and follow me. I went to a small group meeting last week and when I walked in, all four of their kids swarmed me wanting to talk and walked in line with me as I made my way in. At another persons house, when I walk in, both kids run up and give me a big hug, another house, all the kids run into the foyer calling my name. There are adults that enjoy my presence as well, but NONE of that is me, it is not my study of people skills, it is an exuding love that only can come from Jesus Christ. All that starts with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, not the principles taught in the Magic of Thinking Big.

With that said, I would like to also say that the purpose of this section is using people for your desires of success. I do realize that one of the principles talked about is to be genuinely interested in other people. That seems to be a catch phrase in contacting for MLMs as well as a sales strategy. I will pose this question: How can you be genuinely interested in a person when you have a goal to sell them a product or service. I think it is possible, but is the exception, not the norm. What will usually occur is a phony sort of love that was talked about in this chapter. I will conclude with a very telling quote from this chapter: “The more we can learn about [people], their thought processes, their strong and weak points, why they do what and as they do, the better equipped we are to influence them effectively, in the way that we want” (pg 162). That sounds like using people to me, not loving them genuinely with the selfless love of Christ.

Monday, January 09, 2006

The Adventures of the Extreme Freedom Team #13

Site: www.extremefreedomteam.com

Video: WHAT IF ...?

Video Summary:

This is a long video, over 15 minutes. This video opens with a scene on a baseball field. Joe Markiewicz is the narrator. This is a video about a dream. He says, “It is a story about you, about me, really it could be about anybody. He talks of the dreams you had as a child before what they would refer to as the ‘rut’ of daily living. He talks about his past dream of wanting to be a major league baseball player, but he was injured in college, so he did not get to realize that. He says, “I am grown up now and have my own kids. But I still want to be a somebody, and I still have dreams.

If you could imagine your perfect day” describe it without boundaries of money, location, or people. This video is about Joe’s perfect day. This is a longer version of the previous video about renting the baseball field and playing. The team is his best friends, they have their own uniforms (They say 'freedom team'). Everyone can swing away, but “I can swing for as long as I want, because it is my field. His kids are with him.

At the stands, there are picnics and souvenirs, Joe is even signing (autographing) one of the hats. Team pictures, announcers, player introductions, and everything else just like a real baseball game. A chance to be a kid again. Day One (another band that follows around people in the Quixtar MO's, Goads is the other one I know about) makes an appearance to sing the National Anthem. His dad throws the first pitch. After his explanation of what his dream would be, complete with images and video in a nice, soft musical tune, it pans back to the field and the music gets thrashy as they start to play the game. The stands look pretty funny as they are mostly empty, but have a few people watching these amatuers on a professional field. In the stands is a frightening line of people without shirts with their bodies painted, each with a separate letter: M A R K I E W I C Z is the first part, I could not discern what the next part was. At one part, someone inverts a whole bottle of Nutrilite(R) Carb Blocker 2 into his mouth, then a few scenes later, it is people drinking down XS.

After the game, it pans back to the field with Joe and he tells us that we all have dreams down deep of how we want to live our lives, but we sell ourselves short and give up. It is about your dreams and how you are living your life to make your dreams come true. He admonishes us to achieve our dreams because there are too many people out there watching everything we do. For the ultimate ending, he ends with a bible verse: Pslams 37:4-5 – “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. (NKJV)

My Thoughts:

As with previous comments, having a dream to fulfill your pleasures is not intrinsically wrong, unless your pleasures are to walk over someone else. In this case, the goal is worthwhile, but the means is not. Joe and his business team use a deceptive model to fleece their ‘business owners’ out of money in exchange for a bunch of motivational tapes. They tell the people that these tools are optional, but so is success. If you are not plugged into the system and you go to one of these people, they will tell you that you need to get involved in the system, then after a period of time, you will start to succeed. They have a saying in the business, “Volume trails tool flow by about 6 months. (The time frame will vary based on what exact team you are in.)

On to the actual video, it is pretty sad that a person would take this and post it on the internet in this format. It is clear from the introductory comments and exit comments that the purpose is to show you what this can give you, regardless of what the disclaimers on the bottom of the site says.

As for the theology, they are still promoting that God wants you to be successful and have all sorts of money and do what you want to do. That could not be further from the truth. It is not about us here, it is about God. If money was the mark of success, every single apostle and Jesus Christ himself were complete failures. It is not about spending your time fulfilling your desires, it is about witnessing the faith in Jesus Christ through the Gospel. The verse put on the end of the video seems to justify what they are doing, let us examine that verse. The 1994 edition of the Quest Study Bible (Zondervan) has to say about this verse, “Does God give us anything we desire? No. But He will give us our desires when they first are shaped by a delight in the Lord…we must first meet the conditions attached to it: By loving God above all else, our desires will become what He desires for us. Erwin Lutzer has to say, “How can God give us the desires of our heart if our desires are evil? He can’t. He is talking about the new desires…people that are converted have a new heart with new desires.” (Message: Deceived and Loving It from the series “Why Bad People do Good Things”) John Calvin states in his commentary on the Psalms, “This delight is set in opposite to the vain and deceitful allurements of the world, which so intoxicate the ungodly, that despising the blessing of God, they dream of no other happiness than what presents itself for the time before their eyes…This does not imply that the Godly immediately obtain whatever their fancy may suggest to them; nor would it be for their profit that God should grant them all their vain desires. About verse 5, Calvin continues, “We are taught this passage how to preserve our minds in tranquility amidst anxieties, dangers, and floods of trouble. Contrary to this, Joe believes that only be making a ton of money can we gain the piece of mind from anxieties.

I pray that these people would see the truth that they are hurting thousands of people a year for the ability to rent baseball stadiums, buy fancy cars and nice houses. I pray that they may repent before it is too late. I encourage you to read the Gospel of Jesus Christ if you are inspired to learn more.

Quixtar Price Comparisons - Oral Care Products

Post removed in favor of one I wrote in Quixtar Blog:


Sunday, January 08, 2006

The World is Your Playing Field

Tape: Contacting

Speakers: Charlie & Ann Durso

Stock Number: BWW191 (2 Part Message)

Recording Type: Teaching (Contacting)

Brief Review:

This is a tape to learn how to capitalize on situations where you can meet people to find out if they are interested in making extra money. Charlie first talks about types of lists and then tells how the majority of your business is going to be from cold contacts. He brings up people from the audience to tell about what they did to cold contact people.

About the format: This is the first teaching tape I did, so it is organized differently. I have started to pay closer attention to Quixtar Rules violations this week. That part will be added under a new topic. For this week, such things are included under the comments. Watch out for MLMers seeking to recruit you! Here are some of there tips:

Motivational Aspects:

Contacting is one of the most important parts of building your business

Quixtar is in more than 80 countries and “people are the raw materials for your business.”

8 out of Charlie’s 10 Platinum’s are from cold contacts!

Teaching Points:

3 types of lists:

A List – Relatives and friends; those that are very close to you

B List – Acquaintances; associates; service providers

C List – “Cold Contacts”; strangers

It is the cold contacts that do not know about “the skeletons in your closet” that are the ones you are going to build the business with.

Always show your friends and relatives first, then learn how to cold contact.

A medical salesman tells about his favorite way to contact: He sees people in places such as a grocery store and “mosey up along side them” and he says they look familiar, he asks a few questions about where they live or work, then he says, “That’s very interesting, because I happen to own my own business and I work with a lot of people in your type of profession. You seem to have some very good people skills, very positive attitude, and I’m putting together some business teams for my business, and your exactly the type of person that I am looking for…Do you keep your options open to make some extra money?” He says “‘I think I got a card’ and I make believe that…I have a card, maybe I don’t. ‘Do you happen to have a card on you?’” and he gets one. He also will make sure there is a non-work number on the card. [There is a problem here. This person just taught people to lie. That person was not familiar to him at all and he pretended he was. Let us get this one on the table: If the person was so ‘familiar’ why did he not address this business opportunity at a more appropriate place rather than in the grocery store. The next lie is during the card exchange. I know this game, as this is the area that I studied in the business more than most other people. The reason he flounders with looking for a card is because if the IBO gives a card, the prospect will not bother and will promise to call, but he will not in most cases. Also, the IBO wants a home number so that he does not want to battle a gatekeeper at work, let alone, most calls will be made at a Sunday night team calling, when the prospect will not be in the office. There is a very curious bible verse that speaks of not letting people take you captive with deception…it is so fitting here. Colossians 2:8]

A hairstylist in the Rochester, NY area gives this contacting tip: You first need to clearly define your dream and develop the mentality that you will not be denied, then you need to become genuinely interested in people. People struggle with lack of time and lack of money and this person claims that this business is the cure-all for both issues. He talks to everyone everywhere. He contacts the people that are nice and polite. On those people, he uses FORM, an old business acronym for Family, Occupation, Recreation, and Message or Money. He asks if they are open to make extra money and tells them to be ready to talk when he calls. [At least this person is direct in his approach, though I still believe he is a bit off base. Is he genuinely interested in other people if he is testing them for their politness so he can contact them? I don’t think so. Genuinely interested in someone is talking with someone without any motivation at all. It is clear that the motivation is getting these people in the business.]

An Executive Retail Recruiter gives us her contacting success: She talked to her optometrist about how busy it was and confirmed that getting things done around the house was a challenge. The IBO contacted on the basis of getting products that she is already buying shipped right to the home and making extra money all the while. She scheduled the appointment right there.”

An orthodontist shares his contacting approaches…this person has “Four dental practices and I contact in each one.” Contacts are made through parents, friends, patient themselves. “The professional can gear the conversation where he wants because the ears are on you.” The contact is made after the visit, or right at the end of the visit because he does not like to mix both. [WOW…I could talk a lot about how unethical this is, but I will refrain and leave you to your imagination. I will, however, suggest you check out this link.]

An Environmental Salesman suggests: He has a goal to meet someone new every day. He often uses the ‘dumb question’ routine: “I may know the directions to the next place I am going, but if I am in a convenience store, I will ask them for directions, knowing where I’m going, just to break up some sort of a conversation.” He is interested in talking about anything they want to talk about. I find it curious that he does not count them, but he keeps track of them. “One of the main things that I believe is what we are doing is absolutely the right thing for them, and that’s all I’m trying to do.” [This person also has the affliction of lying, which is talked about above (A medical salesman…) He also has a cult mindset that the end justifies the means, which is why he lies to start a conversation with a stranger because he truly believes that he will help people. Sorry that the statistics tell otherwise.]

A forensic scientist shares his contacting approaches: He contacts at the gas pumps. He pulls up to a pump and checks if the person there is ‘quality’ and if not, he finds another pump. When he lands next to a quality person, he starts asking questions about the person. He gets an evening number so he is not calling people at their place of work. He will even book a meeting there at the pump. [It is sad that people will go out of their way to prospect people to get them in an MLM. Please, on behalf of the gasoline customers around the world: if you want me in your MLM, GIVE UP NOW, if you just want to talk…go for it; I don’t mind.]

A post office employee shares: This man leads with a product, XS energy drink. He says, “Hi, how you doing? How long have you worked here? You seem like a pretty sharp guy. I have a large distribution business, we have a new energy drink…we did 50 million our first seven months. I’m so excited, I can’t even keep up with distribution, would you be interested in making an extra $1500-2000 a month to help me distribute this product?” [This is a deceptive approach as well. The people think that he is delivering energy drinks to stores, etc, but that is not the case. In fact, did you know that there are many rules about how you can market these products? For example, if you want to market XS in a bar: It can not be sold as a carry out, it can not be sold in the can, it can not be mentioned by name on the menu. These are according to the corporation as of January 2004 when I personally called them about how I can market XS in a bar. Next, I would like to point out that making income claims as this person does is in violation of the Quixtar rules. It appears from this contact that the IBO is violating 7.1.2 (page D-32), 8.1.1, and 8.1.6 (page D-35).]

A senior executive for the federal government from Atlanta gives his suggestions: He uses XS as well. He gives prospects an XS and says, “I’ve got exclusive rights to this drink, and I’m looking for people that want to make some money. Do you keep your eyes open?” [We have some of the same problems as above, and also a new one: This IBO does not have exclusive rights to XS, Quixtar does. Since the IBO plan is not a franchise, it is not governed by the territorial restrictions. Therefore, you could have hundreds of people with the ‘exclusive rights’ to XS in a given town.]

An Electrician from Ohio suggests: It is about attitude, confidence, and timing. He contacted a waiter at the end of the meal with the usual looking for sharp energetic people like you to expand my business, are you looking?

Another person uses a nice and direct approach that I don’t have much problem with: Are you looking for extra money? If so, I will be calling a such and such time. He does, they do a 15 minute Qualifying Interview (a short version of the plan), if they like it, he asks for the time either then or later to show the full hour presentation.

Another liar: This person sees someone and strikes up a conversation. He talks about the other person and then says, “We just finished a business meeting and I think I am going to expand my business. I’m not sure where you would fit in, but I have an idea.” He also uses posture with the Open meeting saying that he might be able to work it in for the prospect to be a guest. [This IBO knows exactly where he wants this person, he is just being deceitful to make the prospect think that something real is in the mix.]

A software salesman breaks space and gets close to a person. He makes a comment and looks for a reaction. If he gets a reaction, he knows the person is a prospect. He breaks some conversation and then says that this person looks familiar (and then even states his justification as to why: he has been looking at this person for a few minutes, therefore he is familiar). He gets a number and tells the person that he is going to be out of town for a couple of weeks, and might forget to call the prospect and asks the prospect to call him back. If the person asks questions, send him over to your One Domain website.

Leave with your self-esteem intact.

“The only limit [to a persons income potential] is the limit they put on themselves that’s based upon the size of their dream. However, you got what they need.”

You also don’t need any one person. Charlie talks about a person that would not trust Charlie enough to give him a number, so he took his card back.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The Adventures of the Extreme Freedom Team #12

Site: www.extremefreedomteam.com


Video Summary:

This is an older video. This starts similar to the other snowmobile video with the credits. It is still the same amateurs, only a few years less experience than in the other one. Of course it ends with the “come join us” message. The final brief conversation is meant to promote desire to be with them, which requires paying the cost.

My final thoughts:

I pray that I was able to get the details out as to the problems with the Extreme Freedom Team as they described on their own videos. My honest prayer is that people are not lured into this cult. What you see here are a bunch of guys that have sold their soul short. They have gained the world, but I fear, based upon the attitudes expressed in these videos and the teaching system, that they lost their soul in the process. I pray also that these men might come to understand the damage that they are doing to people as they push for their fancy cars, nice vacations, and big houses. I pray that they would repent and stop hurting people. They are not bad people, but they are deceived people. They have bought a lie and now they are selling it to others for the covetous desire of materialism.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Curious, Isn't It?

From time to time I check the search engines for the postion of my blog. I do this more for fun than anything. I created this site because there is all sorts of talk about how bad the teaching systems are in the Quixtar Affiliated Motivational organizations, but no one really had any specific examples.

I checked the postions today and my site is totally gone from Google! I used to occupy the 1st postion in Google when you typed in 'Standing Order Tape' I never tried to get to that postion, but it happened. If you type in my username 'xanadustc', you also got several listings for my Standing Order Tape site. Now, you will only only get my Exposing Apostasy site (which is lacking in maintaince for now while I keep up on SOT).

I find this a little suspicious, but I don't care. I am still number one in Yahoo, I am number 6 in Excite, number 10 in webcrawler, number 8 in dogpile, but totally gone from Google....
