Friday, October 07, 2005

The Extreme Freedom Team Link

Greetings all,

Just a short little post here. For about a week, there was a link across the 'critics' of Quixtar websites linking to a site called The link is now dead, so I wanted to detail what was there so that people understand. In my opinion, this is yet another attempt by this organization to control information, similar to what Alticor Corp has been doing to Wikipedia.

It was a link to some video footage created by Heroic Inspirations, Inc. which is somewhere related to the Quixtar / BWW associated business of Larry & Pam Winters. The link featured a picture of a Ferrari and videos. The site was designed for people to get motivated by what they see.

The BWW system is a costly system which the leaders claim will lead to success if only you follow it. The costs of following the system are as follows:

Standing Order Tape - $7.50 per week
Book of the Month - $1.95 - $25 per month
Communikate - $21.95 per month
One Domain - $14.95 per month + 87.95 per year
Open Meetings - $3-4 per week or every two weeks
Team Trainings - $4 per month
Weekend Conference - $100 + Travel every three months
Rally / Seminar - $10 every three months
Average annual cost (assuming book cost of $12 and $150 travel / lodging which is generous for a conference): $2176.75

The people leading the BWW organization profit off this money. Here is some more info from AmQuix info site.

For more information about the details of the recordings, click Here; for Function details, click Here; and for System cost details, click Here.

For details about what is actually being taught, please read through the materials on this site (, or click Here for the Site Index.

Thank You,

UPDATE: The link is back up, so click on the little "Extreme Team Linking" button to the right to see all this material!


Blogger xanadustc said...

Really, a grand example of a hyprocrite huh? Maybe I will reconsider what I am doing...OK, reconsidered. I decide to keep up with it. Look at the facts, buddy. 1/10000 people make any success in Quixtar. The other 9,999 just put a bunch of money in the uplines pockets. Can you not see that this is a grant example of fraud? Why do I 'tear down people trying to make it in life? Read John 2:13-17; how DARE Jesus Christ tear down those people who were just trying to make something of their life! hrmm...Just a thought.

Wed Nov 16, 10:17:00 AM GMT-5  
Blogger xanadustc said...

I am laughing myself.

My boss makes the money he makes because of the position he has earned for his hard work. He guides me in my work better than I could do myself because he has years of experience.

Have fun being a platinum. Have you taken a total count of each persons inflow and outflow? The only way YOU can make any money is because you have 50-75 people MINIMUN losing money to feed you.

Good luck with that.

Got Cult?

Thu Nov 17, 09:04:00 AM GMT-5  
Blogger xanadustc said...

Who is your upline?

Let me ask again, how many customers do you service? What is your net income from those. Put up or shut up.

What is the cost that people in your organization spend verses what they make?

I have studied a lot of MLMs and a lot of different groups and have not seen or even theoretically worked out the claims you are making. Put up or shut up.

Got Cult?

Thu Nov 17, 01:24:00 PM GMT-5  
Blogger xanadustc said...

Greetings Dallas,

A few thoughts for you:

D> You are dumb as a rock!
X> Nice polite and mature way to start off. I can feel the love.

D> Ask Walmart if they will ever pay you for shopping there.
X> I don’t need to, the answer is NO! Here is the thing: I save over 50% IF I shopped at Walmart, but I don’t unless I really have to. Ask your upline this: Will cost of my purchases in Quixtar minus my monthly bonus be less money than it would cost me at Walmart? The answer to that one is no; however, that is how the plan is sold most of the time (I know your upline does not so it that way, though). Remember, “Buy all the things that you would normally buy and save 15-45% and receive a bonus on that at the end of the month? The problem is that the products, generally speaking, are over twice the price across the board. I will have a price comparison up eventually. The data is on my desk.

D> It sounds like you did not listen to your upline or your upline did not listen to their upline somewhere along the way.
X> You obviously did not read my testimony. I listened to my upline the whole way, I even brought up real concerns, but to no avail. The problem is that the BWW is a dangerous cult. Want evidence? Why do major cult analysts all classify AQMOs as cults? Steve Hassan does, Margret Singer has testified in courts about Quixtar MOs, plenty of evidence is out there, can you give me solid evidence that it is NOT a cult?

D> You need to find something else to do than to try to tear down others, if you would have listened to your upline you would have learned how to help people instead of tear them down.
X> Sorry, Dallas, but I do not stand by and let people get hurt. How much INFLOW verses OUTFLOW does you and your WHOLE GROUP demonstrate. Remember this one: Put up or shut up! Post the data or don’t talk about it.

D> Hope you have fun as a Wal-Mart greeter!
X> You have been deluded into believing that if a person is not in Quixtar, they will never make anything in life. That is a called a phobia indoctrination in cult terms. They have programmed your mind to truly believe that there is nothing outside the group that can make a person successful. The problem with your logic is the facts! I am doing infinitely better now than I ever did before.

Peace in Christ,

Fri Nov 25, 02:26:00 AM GMT-5  

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