Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Team Force - A Poem

A brutal tactic of sinful men

Arises and follows me again and again

They walk on up and start to talk…

They asked me about my family and friends

And about my job, and dividends

They got my number and called Sunday night…

“Are you looking to make some cash?”

“We have a fast growing team, just please don’t ask”

“We are meeting up in a hotel this week…”

I arrive that night in full attire

And they build up a dream for me to aspire

They filled me full of rhetoric…

They gave me a pack and scheduled a time

To meet back up and talk for a time

They pull out a yellow pad, and a bright red pen…

“Here are the things you need to do”

“Will these nine things keep you from you?”

“And the dreams you have for your family…”

“Let me ask you just one thing:”

“Are you serious about this thing?”

“Because there are some optional things to succeed you must do…”

“Here is a tape you should listen to,”

“And a book that will teach you what to do,”

“Attend this meeting over here tonight…”

“Listen to the leaders that have what you desire”

“Never question them; they are hot and on fire”

“They have succeeded at our wondrous dream…”

I really don’t agree with this thing we do

“Don’t you worry about it; just listen and do”

“Just get out and show one more plan…”

I really want the money they show

How do I get there, I need to know!

They already told me what to do…

I did the things they said to do

And nothing happened like I wanted it to

I worked as hard as I could possibly do…

Why didn’t it work? I asked of them

“You need to listen a little more, and then you will get the gem”

“Go out and get another tape, listen and do, keep it up…”

I found this site on the internet

It says the problems in stone are set

This team has some serious flaws…

“That’s ridiculous, they just lost their dream”

“They want to pull you down, that’s what it seems”

“This thing works, just look at the team…”

In the end, I realized

This team was just full of lies.

Let us get out and help others see,

The truth of this thing that seduced me

December 7, 2005


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