Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Adventures of the Extreme Freedom Team #5

Site: www.extremefreedomteam.com


Video Summary:

Larry starts with a narrative that most people think that dreams don’t mean anything and then explains that they are real, as seven friends (Larry, Steve, Ricky Winters, Doug, Alan, Mike, and another Mike) got to ride over the finest terrain in Hawaii. Larry says that it was a Monday morning and then asks what YOU did that Monday morning. The song in this video changes back and forth in tone; the chorus repeating over and over is about motivation. Part way through the video, we learn that this is only the first Saturday of the week. This is the first video in the group that did have a ‘come join us’ somewhere in it!

My thoughts:

This is not an accomplished ‘dream’; anyone who wants to take such a vacation can do so with some planning. This video probably has more merit than most of the others, though, you don’t need to take a private charter to bike a special terrain just to flaunt where you have been. I can see if you are a motocross hobbyist and like to go to different terrains, but the purpose of this video was not for such an occasion, but rather, to show the money available to take such a trip with a private jet on a private course on a remote island.


Blogger xanadustc said...

Since I have been so kind as to post MY results in Quixtar, please post yours now.


btw, I am in no way bound to my boss, in fact, I haven't even seen him for a few days except to give him a report well done. I am proud of the work that I get to do, many people don't have the privledge of work. So, how are YOU doing in Quixtar? Have you quit your job yet?

Wed Nov 16, 10:03:00 AM EST  
Blogger xanadustc said...


I think that God has made His revelation very clear. We are not to be covetous, greedy, seaking for wealth. We are to do all work as unto the Lord. Our command is to witness the Gospel of Jesus Christ in truth and spirit, not giving way to the false teachings of people who would lead us astray.

" First of all, it's actually none of your business. Let's just say" --> Translation: I ain't making nothing but think this is the greatest business in the world and I will be making money....someday.

Have with with that. In the mean time, the only way for you to make any money at all is to have a whole ton of people in your downline who are going broke. Is it possible to make money? Yes, but I assure you, that in the end, it will be YOU that God shows a list of people that were hurt.

Thu Nov 17, 08:59:00 AM EST  
Blogger xanadustc said...

I just find it funny how quick you are to say that you make a lot of money but will not disclose anything such as your income or your expenses. Put up or Shut up!

As for my spelling, I recall you have a few mis-spellings yourself, G-man!! (not on this one, but there are a few)

Congrats on making Platinum, I'm sure you have a very loyal following of people that are paying for useless motivational materials.

BTW, do you really teach people that the products are a better deal? In my price comps, every single product is more expensive, they have to be so that you can get your cut out of what your downline is buying. Have you fullfilled the 70% rule lately? Most of you guys don't, that will make what you do illegal according to the FTC.

You say my garbage is false, put up or shut up. Show me why from the scriptures. Good luck,
Peace in Christ,

Thu Nov 17, 12:33:00 PM EST  
Blogger xanadustc said...

I'm sure with all the Double X and XS they are drinking, the uplines feces is a little more nutritous

Thu Nov 17, 01:28:00 PM EST  
Blogger Loser said...

I agree with Bill Britt!

Thu Nov 17, 04:54:00 PM EST  
Blogger xanadustc said...

Why do you ask me to defend my point of view from the scriptures. If you didn't notice, that is what all the (NAME #:#-#) format words are... In fact, I rigged them up so that if you click on them, it will take you to the text, so you can read it yourself.

The funny part is that Biblegateway that I link into is run by a board of people, the majority of which are affiliated with Alticor. It feels so good to wield the sword of Goliath!

BTW, I am allowed to blog at work as long as I get my work done. You seem to have a misconception about jobs that they are evil. Sorry, that is not true.

Peace in Christ,

Thu Nov 17, 10:21:00 PM EST  

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