Monday, March 27, 2006

Building Quixtar with BWW Part 7

BWW Basics Manual (BBAS 6/02)

Chapter 1
Chapter 2.1
Chapter 2.2
Chapter 2.3
Chapter 2.4

Chapter 3 – Creating Volume

This chapter is broken down into the sections:
  • Eat 100 PV
  • Use 100 PV
  • Sell 100 PV

My analysis is sprinkled throughout.

There are tips before those sections officially begin. The first thing you need to learn is how to prioritize your buying. If you are familiar with Quixtar, you know that there are three levels to shop:
  • Exclusives – These are the brand names that Alticor, the parent company to both Amway and Quixtar. These have the highest PV; $2.50 per PV (some argue that it is more like $2.70, or more. I agree with that after doing a brief price analysis, but I am reporting what BWW says)
  • Store for more – These are other brands which Quixtar buys from the supplier and acts as the middle man to the consumer. It is about $6.00 per PV. This includes clothes, sterios, household appliances, etc.
  • Partner Stores – These are actually a group of stores which provide you access through the Quixtar portal. These are all online stores and they credit a tiny portion of your sale to Quixtar which in turn gives you a small amount of PV and BV. Depending on the store, $5-15 could get you 1 PV.
You are instructed to always plan on purchases from the Exclusive line since they give the most for the dollar.

Even in this topic about products, we read (pg 37), “Our goal is to help get your business up and running as soon as possible, and that starts with making your 100 PV circle work and getting your education started.”(Italics mine) There is a little ‘How To’ box down the page, “How to Order Your Product.” Curiously, the very first thing on the line is “Call-In schedule for BWW support tools and products (These do NOT have PV)” (There is a blank for the day and time). This form only lists how to order Quixtar products on the bottom as online, by phone, or by calling your upline.

There is a section on assessments, but the product assessments have been removed from Quixtar to the best of my knowledge. I can tell you what I remember of them: You fill out this big multiple choice form and then it lists the ‘recommended’ products, which always seemed to consist of a $500 or more order a month!

Recommended Tools:

BPB194 – Owning a Profitable Business ($7.50)

JM20 – Volume, A Key to Achieving Your Dream ($7.50)

AN72 – Ditto Delivery ($7.50)

AN86 – Why Nutilite? ($7.50)

RJM23 – We Get Paid on Volume ($7.50)

LPW99 – Fundamentals of Health & Nutrition ($7.50)

NXT – The Next Trillion (By Paul Zan Pilzer, an external speaker) ($7.50)

LPW79 – Checklist for an IBO / Ladies Business Mentality ($7.50)

BQ904 (New Code: EB770) – Pro-Sumer Power ($10.95)

Eat 100 PV

We are told that this is simple: Just replace things already in your diet. Quixtar has recognized the drive to want to eat better, so you should replace your snacks and meals with protein bars and energy drinks. To do all this, they recommend the following for a single person, for the couple it is more, obviously:

1 Box of Double X ($51.65 for an IBO, $74.75 retail)

2 Cases of Protein bars ($198 IBO, $257.40 retail).

Total monthly cost: $249.65, and I HOPE you eat a dinner on top of all that at an extra cost. Here is my monthly single person’s food bill: $80. To suggest that a person eats $249.65 just for snacks, breakfast, and lunch is absolutely ridiculous.

There are other means to eat 100 PV though, if that is not to your liking. There is the basic package: at $270 a month, the Ladies package at only $269, the Active package for $285 (that is the high protein version), and the men’s package at $270. Don’t forget that this is PER PERSON and does not include real food!

Use 100 PV

You get to shop from your own store, or so the book says. We are told (in little print I might add), to “Focus on core-line products” with a suggestion to “buy one of each of these core-line items (average 5-6 products per week) for a total of 100 + PV. Am I the only one that thinks this is a little excessive? I am still working on a box of laundry detergent I bought in 2002, and frankly, it was more expensive per unit than anything else I can get around here. If you want to die of price shock, compare the Tolsom line of men’s skin care products to comparable ones in the local store. The pricing at Quixtar is so high that you might spend 2-3 times more at Quixtar than you might at the local store.

Selling 100 PV

If you thought that $249.65 is outrageous (let alone absolutely boring due to lack of variety) for breakfast, lunch, and snacks, try asking a retail customer to pay $332.15 plus tax and shipping for the same. I think you can get the idea as to why the vast majority of Quixtar IBO’s don’t have clients.

Here are some tips (pg 43):

Personally register members and clients

Take new registrants on a tour through

Give product samples

Encourage repeat sales items

They suggest at the end that you set up your clients on a plan to spend on $8.48 a day on snacks and nutrition. This consists of Double X twice per day, 2 protein bars a day, and two Orange drinks a day (I assume in the newer versions of this manual, that has been replaced by XS which is comparable in price). There is a note that if they do not think they would spend that much, to have them check their habits because they probably do. Fair enough. Let me check MY habits:

Morning: cereal ($1.79 a box), get about a week out of it, so $0.36

Mid Morning: Hot Chocolate or Tea: $0.13

Lunch: peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich with crackers and Juice: $0.66

Total over same period: $1.15

Now, I know people that might spend over $8 because they like to go out for lunch. I do this about 3 times a month or so. It is not a good habit to spend $8 a day on a regular basis, so for them to be simply redirecting that money through them does a disservice to the person. If you are that concerned, suggest they balance and budget better. We are stewards over our resources, not owners. We will be accountable before God of our spending. I would like you to know that it is doable. How? I plan ahead. I buy hot chocolate and tea in a bulk quantity and then take it to work so it is there. If I have the munchies at work, there is something nearby that is cheaper than the rip-off shack down the hallway. It is called planning!

This chapter ends with a statement about the member and client rules and than encourages to get your clients on Ditto Delivery, which is an automated monthly ordering system.

Chapter 4


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